About Us

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Ministry is a Catholic disability ministry rooted in God's unconditional love. It’s for people of all shapes, sizes and colors. We are here to create community and worship God.

Our Why

After entering the Catholic faith in April 2023, our founder, Lilly Grossman, uncovered an important and unmet need within the faith. As a woman with a disability, Lilly set out to find a community of fellow Catholics with disabilities and chronic conditions. She soon found a lack of a single, organized, community ministry for Catholics with disabilities and chronic conditions. She discovered that, while there was an abundance of Christian disability ministries, there were no Catholic disability ministries.

Thus, Lilly was called by God to create her own Catholic disability ministry. As God told Noah in Genesis 7:5, “If you build it, they will come.”

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Ministry was founded on June 6th, 2023 and officially launched on July 27th, 2023. July 27th is the Feast Day of Saint Lillian of Cordoba. Saint Lillian is Lilly’s patron Confirmation saint, as well as the patron saint of strengthening faith and unconditional love.

Two men in a disability ministry reading their Bibles
Open Bible resting on a sheet with shadows over it
Woman praying in a church with her hands folded

Our Team

All of the leadership team members identify as Catholics with disabilities.

Lilly Grossman, Founder of Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Ministry
Nick Van Hecke, Cheif Operating Manager of Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Ministry

Lilly Grossman
Founder | California, USA

Nick Van Hecke
Chief Operations Manager | California, USA

Emily Bottinick, Outreach Coordinator of Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Ministry
Anya Kewley, Missions Director of Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Ministry

Emily Bottinick
Outreach Coordinator | Connecticut, USA

Anya Kewley
Missions Director | California, USA

Volunteer With Us

Join us at Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Ministry to make a meaningful difference in the lives of Catholics with disabilities, where your support, friendship, and engagement can transform lives. Become a part of our community, and experience the joy of inclusion, empowerment, and spiritual growth together.

Follow our ministry on Instagram!